The Competence Self-Assessment Solution (CAS) provides for the initial and re-assessment of competences and analysis of the resulting data by dynamic reports. The CAS plugin in one Moodle site allows you to create an unlimited number of competence assessment frameworks in course quizzes and depends on quiz questions.
Project goal was to create a self-assessment tool for the DigComp competence framework, it was necessary to aggregate the assessment of 85 quiz items into 25 groups corresponding to the competence areas and individual competences of the framework. The aggregation needed to be done by providing the levels of a competence rather than the actual score in points or percentages obtained.
Moodle core competence functionality allows to define competence frameworks, competence descriptions, and assessment levels. Unfortunately, the defined competences can only be mapped at the level of quiz activity, but not at the level of individual quiz items. Consequently, it was not feasible to use the functionality of Moodle competences.
In the quiz activity, Moodle allows viewing the student grades only at the level of the whole quiz activity combined. To get grades for the separate item groups, each item was tagged with competence tags. This allowed a set of assessments to be obtained at the level of individual competences.
In addition, the plug-in provides an opportunity to compare the results of different quizzes with the same content to obtain a dynamic report of the changes in competence levels.
Vextur responsibility was to create custom plugin by clients (Baltijas dotaru akademija, Latvia) requirements.