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Day 2 Keynote

Lifelong Learning: Past, present and future

Rakhat will provide an overview of lifelong learning’s historical evaluation by UNESCO, referencing key texts such as the Faure Report (1972), Delor Report (1996), and Reimagining Our Futures Together: A New Social Contract for Education (2021). Sustainable Development Goal 4 aims to make high-quality, inclusive, equitable, and relevant education and lifelong learning opportunities accessible to all.

Lifelong learning encompasses all forms, modalities, and purposes of education beyond formal schooling and training. It can occur in various settings, face-to-face, online, or through a combination of formats. Learning pathways can be diverse and flexible, and recognition, validation, and accreditation of such learning are critical.

Learning contributes not only to personal empowerment and employment but also to social transformation. Rakhat will also give an overview of some initiatives by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.