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Day 2 Presentation

Lessons Learned Upgrading the Largest Moodle in the Southern Hemisphere

Upgrading Moodle is a challenge at the best of times. With so many “interesting” plugins out there (not to mention core itself); any upgrade is sure to have some degree of challenge.

Now imagine turning that up to 11 by upgrading the largest site in the southern hemisphere. With no shortage of unusual plugins, obtuse customisations, and plenty of “fun” database state, a challenge for even the most seasoned Moodle veterans is guaranteed.

In this talk we will cover our approach for upgrading a truly monstrous Moodle installation from 3.9 to 4.1 covering:

  • History of this beast of a site
  • Overall approach for the upgrade
  • Codebase audit strategy and techniques (warning: dangerously exciting)
  • Database audit strategy and techniques
  • Data and configuration migration strategy and techniques

Join us for 30 minutes of non stop suspense, excitement, twists, and turns, as we take you on our roller coaster ride of a journey to upgrade the largest Moodle in the Southern Hemisphere.