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Chad is an educational technologist and Founder/CEO at mylearningspace. His workplace learning company is a Premium Moodle Partner based in Australia.

They provide certified services for the Moodle LMS and Moodle Workplace software. This includes managed hosting, support, customisation and learning experience design. They partner with a range of organisations in the corporate, government, education and not-for-profit sectors to deliver impactful learning to their people.

Chad has worked in education for more than 25 years. In fact, his love affair with learning, started as a kid, in kindergarten. Chad loved school. He loved school so much, he eventually went back, as a teacher.

During his professional career as an educator, Chad worked in diverse roles for The Scots College, NSW Board of Studies, University of Sydney and University of New South Wales.

Expertise: education, educational technology, learning management systems, workplace learning, L&D, Moodle, LXD, teaching, training and consulting.

Should your organisation be interested in engaging our services, feel free to reach out directly via Linkedin or visit our company website

These details are to enable networking and are not to be used for commercial purposes.