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Txell Llorach

eLearning Lead & Project Manager at 3iPunt


Txell Llorach

eLearning Lead & Project Manager at 3iPunt

Full of passion and creativity, eLearning expert Txell is part of the Moodle Premium Partner 3iPunt team since 2018, as an eLearning Lead, a Project Manager, and a MEC Facilitator. She holds wide experience in eLearning as a student, professor, visual designer, UX, instructional designer, administrator, and project manager. She previously worked for several international companies. She is continuously working as a freelancer, offering graphic solutions to her clients, with a high specialization in websites and interfaces, focusing her designs on the user and learning experience. She loves to share her passion with her students and one of her strongest features is thinking out of the box to find non-standard solutions to problems.

At MoodleMoot global 2023, Txell will be presenting Let’s improve Moodle together.