Paul Campbell – MoodleMoot Global 2024 Skip to content

Paul Campbell

Programme Leader - MSc Engineering at University of Technology, Jamaica


Paul Campbell

Programme Leader - MSc Engineering at University of Technology, Jamaica

Paul was one of the earliest adopters of web-based course management systems and online platforms at the University of Technology, Jamaica. Here, he serves as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing. After initially investigating various online learning products, he settled on Moodle owing to its versatility and his championing of all things open-source. Paul has, for over 10 years, been using Moodle to support online and blended delivery of engineering courses related to Thermal and Fluid Studies. He especially enjoys designing robust textbook-type questions that will stimulate learning in ways that actual textbooks cannot.

In addition to higher education, Paul also interfaces with secondary-level education and military education through his service as an officer in the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force. Through these various roles, he appreciates how open-source and low-cost learning technologies can fast-track the strengthening of educational systems in low-income economies and communities.

At MoodleMoot Global 2024 Paul will be presenting A LibreOffice-based Moodle XML Import File Generator for Creating Randomized Multi-Part Numerical Questions.

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