Andrea Jüttner – MoodleMoot Global 2024 Skip to content

Andrea Jüttner

Trainer & Support Specialist at eLeDia GmbH


Andrea Jüttner

Trainer & Support Specialist at eLeDia GmbH

Andrea discovered her passion for Moodle in 2020, and what started as a curiosity quickly became a dedicated hobby. Fascinated by its potential, she initially taught herself how to use and manage Moodle, later enhancing her expertise through Moodle Academy’s online courses. 

Since 2023, she has been working at eLeDia GmbH as a trainer and support specialist, focusing on Moodle Workplace. In this role, she advises clients, conceptualizes and implements various deployment scenarios, and helps organizations maximize the benefits of Moodle Workplace to upskill their employees and foster a culture of continuous learning. 

Andrea studied economics with a focus on tourism and congress management. After her studies, she worked as a project and congress manager for various companies and organizations in an international environment. Following her qualification as a PR specialist, she coordinated marketing and public relations activities. Additionally, she obtained the AEVO certificate, a German qualification that certifies her suitability to train apprentices and employees. 

At MoodleMoot Global 2024, Andrea will be presenting Mastering Multi-Brand Complexity with Tailored Moodle Workplace Tenancy Models – A Case Study.

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